Monday, June 29, 2015

Lessons In Aquaponics

Okay we made it to summer. We have learned many things from our first attempt to grow container nursery stock with aquaponics and a geothermal loop.
150 gallon fish tank and biological filter growing catails and rushes
 The  fish tank started to get a huge alge bloom that was inceased by the exposed water areas in the nursery pot beds. We have a filter on the sysytem to prevent it from clogging the geothermal loop, but we needed to clean it twice a day. The flow would be down to a trickle. This in turn would cause the bell siphon to quit operating properly and would leave some water in the bioloical filter instead of draining all of the way as it is supposed to. We di dnot know how to stop the alge bloom with out killing the fish.